Getting started is simple.

// install with npm
npm install @codyloyd/minotaur-base

Include and initialize:

import {Game} from 'minotaur'

const game = new Game({
  width: 480,
  height:  360,
  parent: 'game'
// `parent` is the id of an element to which Minotaur will append the game-canvas

game.update = function(dt) {
  // update game state here

game.draw = function() {
  // draw game elements here

// call game.start() to start the game loop!

# drawing to the canvas

Minotaur simply exposes the native HTML Canvas API, so drawing images, shapes and text is as simple as referencing that API through the game object with game.context.

this example draws a "darkblue" rectangle to the canvas

const game = new Game({
  width: 480,
  height:  360,
  parent: 'game'

game.draw = function() {
  game.context.fillStyle = "darkblue"
  const x = 100
  const y = 100
  const width = 25
  const height = 75

Refer to documentation for the HTML Canvas API for everything you can do here.

# make it GO!

Making a proper game requires things to move around! JavaScript already includes everything you need to create and update variables to make things animate across your canvas.

let rectangle = {x: 10, y: 10, width: 20, height: 20}

game.update = function(dt) {
  rectangle.x += 50 * dt
  rectangle.y += 50 * dt

game.draw = function() {
  // clears the screen so each frame gets a clear canvas
  game.context.clearRect(0, 0, game.width, game.height)

  game.context.fillStyle = "darkblue"

the update and draw functions attempt to run at 60fps... so in the above example the rectangle object is updated consistently so that it moves across the screen as it is drawn.

the function parameter dt stands for Delta Time. It is the amount of time that has passed between each frame, in milliseconds. Use this variable when manipulating variables so that the speed of your animation does not fluctuate if the animation framerate fluctuates. For more details see this article.