# Drawing Images

Drawing individual images to the canvas using the basic Canvas API is not difficult. (docs here)) However, most games deal with many images at once, and often organize those images into single-file spritesheets, which makes using the native API somewhat tedious.

Our SpriteSheet module provides some nice tools to make drawing images a little simpler.

import {SpriteSheet} from '@minotaur/base'

const spriteSheet = new SpriteSheet({
  path: "/img/spritesheet.png",
  context: game.context,
  // the colSize and rowSize refer to the size of each sprite. 
  // they are used for 'getSprite' and 'animatedSprite' 
  // if your sheet has some sprites that don't fit into the grid, 
  // you can use `createSprite` to get them with specific pixel values
  colSize: 32,
  rowSize: 32,
  // optional property, if there is a margin between your sprites
  margin: 0

// get a sprite by putting in it's row/column on the spritesheet
// `0,0` refers to the image in the top-left corner of the spritesheet
const player = spriteSheet.getSprite(0, 0);
// `5,0` refers to the sprite in the 6th column, on the first row
const enemy = spriteSheet.getSprite(5, 0);

// alternatively put in actual pixel values, x,y,w,h
// useful for sprites that do not fit nicely into your grid
const enemy2 = spriteSheet.createSprite(128, 0, 32, 32);

game.draw = function () {
  // Sprites reference the context passed into the 'spritesheet' constructor
  // draw takes the standard x, y, width, height, parameters
  player.draw(100, 100, 100, 100);
  enemy.draw(300, 200, 100, 100);
  enemy2.draw(250, 400, 100, 100);

# Animated Sprites

The getAnimatedSprite function returns an AnimatedSprite object which can be used to draw animations